The Folklore
The Folklore represents the experience of past communities, in a period when the way of life was not yet significantly shaped by external influences. This harks back to a time before the increase in these external influences, which eventually led to acculturation and the alteration of local traditions.
O Folklore, as a manifestation of traditional culture, was already recognized internationally in 1878 like the “undocumented traditional knowledge of a people”. At first, it dealt with the traditions, customs and superstitions of the popular classes, but over time it expanded to encompass the entire culture that originated from these classes. In 2002, this concept was redefined as the expression of past experience, characterized by being popular, of unknown authorship, traditional and community.
The origin of the first folklore group in Portugal has been the subject of discussion over time. The old one Rancho das Lavradeiras de Carreço, founded in 1904, was considered the oldest for a long time. However, a document with more thanten years before of its foundation indicates that it was in Lima Bridge that the first organized folklore group with appropriate costumes emerged.
It was in a context of threat of rupture and disappearance of cultural references in the face of possible assimilation by exogenous cultures, the phenomenon of globalization and some distancing of individuals from their cultures and origins, that there was a growing appreciation of identities, heritage and local collective memories in Portugal, in the post-25th of April era. Thus, from this perspective, it was formed, in 1977, The Portuguese Folklore Federation,being one of its main founders the Folklore Group of the Vouga Region.
A região do Baixo Vouga é caracterizada pelos seus trajes, danças e cantares que retratam a maneira de ser de um povo conhecido pelo trabalho árduo.
As cantigas, modas, jogos tradicionais e populares e manifestações infanto-juvenis marcaram toda uma cultura nesta região.
Mourisca do Vouga é onde está situado o museu do GFRV. Os seus habitantes são conhecidos por Pilatos.
Essa lenda surgiu da passagem de jovens estudantes pela Mourisca provindos da Universidade de Coimbra, numa altura em que ainda não existia a Estrada Nacional n.º 1, estes estudantes viam-se forçados a passar pela antiga Estrada Real de 1.ª Classe, que deu posteriormente origem à “Via Mourisca”. Foi então neste contexto que se desenrolou a referida lenda.
50 years of history
Explore the unforgettable moments that marked the historical trajectory of the Vouga Region Folklore Group, from performances, to awards and many other special moments.